Bang on a Can All-Stars Play Philip Glass



Thursday, February 15, 2024
7:30 – 9 pm EST
Scheuer Auditorium

The William Petschek Family Music Program

This program is now at capacity. A limited number of standby tickets may be available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, email [email protected].

At the same time that artists such as Marta Minujín and her New York Pop Art contemporaries were challenging the art establishment of the 1960s, there were also composers using ideas from popular culture to take on the institutions of serious music. With "Bang on a Can All-Stars Play Philip Glass," a program including Glass's iconic late 1960s works Music in 5ths and Two Pages, the All-Stars play music that reflects the time and ideals of Pop Art—experimental versus classical, high versus low—the time Minujín first broke into New York and ideals that remain evident in her work today. 

This event is presented in conjunction with the current exhibition Marta Minujín: Arte! Arte! Arte!

Tickets: $22 General; $15 Students and Seniors; $12 Members; Includes Museum Admission.

Doors open at 7 pm.

Photo of Bang on a Can All-Stars by Peter Serling