Verbal Description Tour at Home

Virtual Teleconference Tour


A colorful wall sculpture with winding wire and plastic petals, circular paper and plastic rings, and small framed works, playfully presented on an irregular floral background.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
2 – 3:30 pm EDT
Zoom, Virtual Program

Visitors who are blind or have low vision are invited to join us for a descriptive teleconference tour exploring the exhibition After “The Wild”: Contemporary Art from the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection.

All Access Programs are free of charge and require advance reservation. Please contact [email protected] or 212.423.3289 for more information or to register. 

This program is presented with captioning through Zoom. The Jewish Museum is committed to making its virtual programs accessible to all. Please let us know if you need any additional accommodations, including live CART interpretation or ASL interpretation.

About the Exhibition:

This exhibition highlights works by 47 intergenerational and internationally-based artists made between 1963 and 2023.

Judy Pfaff, American, b. England, 1946. Quartet 5, 2018. Digital image on MDF, wire, aluminum discs, acrylic, melted plastic, paper lantern, framed works (oil stick and encaustic on vintage Indian ledger paper) 125 x 155 in. Photo courtesy Miles McEnery Gallery.