In-Person Verbal Description Tour

For Participants who are Blind or have Low Vision


A collaged starburst on different colored triangles layered over each other and radiating outward on a deep blue background.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
2 – 4 pm EDT
Exhibition Galleries

Visitors who are blind or have low vision are invited to join us for a descriptive tour exploring the exhibition After “The Wild”: Contemporary Art from the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection.

All Access Programs are free of charge and require advance reservation. Please contact [email protected] or 212.423.3289 for more information or to register. 

About the Exhibition:

This exhibition highlights works by 47 intergenerational and internationally-based artists made between 1963 and 2023.

Fred Tomaselli, Study for June 2, 2018, 2018. The Jewish Museum, NY. Gift of The Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation. © Fred Tomaselli