Wed, Mar 17

11 AM – 12 PM

JM Journeys at Home

Participants with Early-Stage Dementia

Participants with early-stage dementia and their care partners are invited to explore the Jewish Museum’s collection through discussion and art making.

1 – 3 PM

Adult Studio Workshop

Tracing Modigliani

This program is at capacity. if you have any questions or would like to recieve advance notification about future programs please email [email protected].

In this two-part remote-learning workshop, revisit the Jewish Museum’s past exhibition, Modigliani Unmasked, and trace the evolution of a prolific modern artist’s hand.


2 – 3 PM

JM Journeys at Home

Participants with Memory Loss–All Stages Welcome

Participants with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and their care partners are invited to explore the Jewish Museum’s collection through discussion and art making.
